It's that time of year where every music critic is getting high on their own end-of-the-year lists, meticulously fretting over rankings and determining whose album provided the most meaning over these last 12 months.
Well, not here at the Indie-corner folks, I stick to the facts.
You want to know which songs created the most lasting impact on you?? Head straight to your iTunes Top 25 (@iTunes_Top_25) most played songs list. Now this isn't the end-all be-all, but it provides a mighty honest measure of which songs meant the most to you.
In looking at my list, there are only a handful of surprises. Apparently I love
Drake way more than I care to admit to my hipster friends, and the
Beach Boys,
Pet Sounds
still leaves me in awe, 44 years after it's release. (Holy crap! It's been
44 years already??)
But on to the key players, where 3 songs stood out head and shoulders above the rest.
My most played song of the year goes to
Telekinesis, whose
Coast of Carolina provided one of the single strongest knockout punches I've ever experienced with a debut single.
Michael Benjamin Lerner magically crafts this hit, playing almost every instrument on the record. When they play live, he actually heads the drums and still sings lead vocals, an impressive feat that I haven't seen replicated in quite some time.
Telekinesis - Coast of Carolina
Number 2 on this list belongs to
Bombay Bicycle Club (@bombaybicycle), with their hit
Always Like This. These young men from Britain seamlessly create emotion-driven indie pop. This song for instance, though catchy and melodically upbeat, details an unrequited love, where what he has to offer his leading lady will never be enough.
Bombay Bicycle Club - Always Like This
And 3rd place goes to the boys from Austrailia,
Temper Trap (@thetempertrap), with their song,
Sweet Disposition. It was prominently featured in the film,
500 Days of Summer, so you might have heard of it. Well written, and catchy as hell,
Doug Mandagi's vocals beg you to sing along, and I always abide.
Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition
So there it is folks. The 3 songs that I was most obsessed with in 2010; I hope they captivate you like they did me.