Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Skrillex is American Dubstep

Alright so it's a little overdue and the bandwagon has long left the station, but I'm coming around to this whole Dubstep movement. Dubstep is slowly finding it's way into Electronic music and with Dance/Electronic music starting to trickle more heavily into Hip Hop and American Pop music, the bridge is starting to form genre wise. The fact that I'm now talking about it is probably more of an indication that British music trends are more relevant than ever and I've tried to get the word about artists like @tinietempah and @labrinthda1st who are becoming more well known in America.

Sure we all heard Beibs is going to experiment with Dubstep on his new album, but nothing concrete has become of that rumor yet. Rumors aside, what you should takeaway from this post is that @SKRILLEX is one of the most well known Dubstep DJs and if you're wanting to become more familiar with the movement, it might be in your best interests to check out one of Skrillex's album Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites or his most recent album More Monsters and Sprites.

This past week he released a new EP album titled Bangarang, which doesn't feature his newest single below featuring @krewella on the vocals. Breathe is a nice combination of soothing electronic rhythms with radio quality vocals mixed with a little dubstep. It's about as pop as Dubstep will get until Bieber tackles it, but nonetheless, a good forecast of the storm that's coming.

Skrillex feat Krewella - Breathe (Vocal Edit)


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