Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Foster the People Call It What You Want Remixes

Now that everyone's got their own pair of Pumped Up Kicks, folks outside of the Indie world are wondering what's next. I know those of you who are fans of @FosterthePeople are audibly scoffing right now because there are so many better tracks than Pumped Up Kicks on their latest album Torches. I'm not disputing that claim one bit, all I'm saying is the public needs to hear a couple songs they like before it sticks.

Seeing that the Foster camp has decided that Call It What You Want will be the follow up single, I can't really complain because it was a good pick. Seems there are a few DJ's who agree because they have taken the time to remix the original. Tough call on which remix I like better better between BIGkids and @TREASUREFINGERS. What I do know is that I laughed out loud when I saw the tweet below because I'm familiar with the drunken santa bar crawls...
I'll say this, if you're in the mood to dance, go with Treasure Fingers, otherwise, stick to the more Hip Hop sounding BIGkids remix...#BothAreGreat

Foster the People - Call It What You Want - (BIGkids remix)

Foster The People - Call It What You Want (Treasure Fingers Pre-Party Remix Radio Edit)


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