Thursday, July 07, 2011

"Damn How High Are We, They Gotta Gamble in This Life Charles Barkley

Coming off a stellar new mixtape, the likes of @realchiddy & @xaphoonjones refuse to slow down the steady stream of great music. For all of you that missed Peanut Butter & Swelly, there's good reason why over 61,000 people downloaded the tape and don't even try and blame me cause I've been throwin' tracks and concert videos from that tape at y'all left and right. Even this week they let loose another video for the I Can't Stop (freestyle) off the mixtape (below)...

Below is their newest internet release that shines mostly due to Xaphoon's electric beat and addicting sample of the Swedish pop group @iconapop's Manners track. There's always room for creative sampling in Hip Hop and you'd be hard pressed to find someone that does it better than Noah Beresin. I usually find myself saying, "this track is pretty good, but I can't wait for the real quality tracks that surface on a studio album." That's not the case with Chiddy, they don't care whether it's a mixtape or studio release, the quality is assumed, which is why I have so much respect for them. And you should too...#StopTrippinAndListen

Chiddy Bang - Mind Your Manners (prod by Xaphoon Jones)


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