Saturday, July 30, 2011

808 Check: "Dumpin' Like Tires on a GMC"

Truth be told, I've been wanting to post this track for a while now since it has steadily risen to the top of the list as my favorite track off When Fish Ride Bicycles. I was happy to see that their new album has been getting pretty good reviews overall since this was their first big shot at mainstream success. Debuting at #75 on Billboard isn't bad at all, selling 6,500 copies the first week, but hopefully as their reach expands with this album, that'll continue to increase.

What you need to know about the track below, GMC, is that it will rattle your brain if played on speakers greater than 10 inches (hence the 808 Check label at the bottom of the page). The bassline on this track is off the charts awesome with @Chuckisdope taking care of the production and continuing his jihad of bass on every track he touches. Big fan of the CB mix sound on the verses too, that's like new-school grimy. Like somethin' Wu-Tang woulda done back in the day, but sounds new with their style.

Also interesting to notice is their opinion on the buzz artist @kreayshawn and her Bay-area influenced style. Really cool how they approach the topic of the N word and their idea of who should be able to say it and why it's acceptable for a white girl to say the N word. I wish myself (being a white dude) that the word wasn't still so polarizing, so hearing @SirMichaelRocks and @Chuckisdope's progressive opinions is forward thinking and great for Hip Hop in general in my eyes...

If you haven't yet, go and cop WFRB and expand your musical tastes a bit...#DontBeScaredNow...

PS - That rimmed-up 1997 Jimmy pictured above from College Humor is priceless...smh

The Cool Kids - GMC (prod by Chuck Inglish)


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