Martin Garrix Drops Tomorrowland Closing ID Pizza

Those of you who were at Tomorrowland about a month ago are probably geeking out right now. Those that were in attendance got a treat when Martin Garrix dropped a new, melodic, progressive house anthem to close out his set. Check out a clip of Pizza being debuted live...
As the story goes, the ID was somehow given the nickname Pizza shortly after it dropped and that name was so appropriate that it stuck for the official single release. Don't expect a pizza party when you watch the video for the track below, though. It's more of a wild and crazy, live life to your fullest tour highlight themed video, but Martin is in fact eating pizza at the end of the video. Whether or not it's intentional, I can weave a story around the track being so universally likeable that pizza is a good comparison. The bright chords and orchestral highlights on the track make for an emotionally charged, hit you in the feels type of combo. It's one of my favorite tracks that Martin has put out, which is saying a lot considering his laundry list of singles...#Pizza
Martin Garrix - Pizza
As the story goes, the ID was somehow given the nickname Pizza shortly after it dropped and that name was so appropriate that it stuck for the official single release. Don't expect a pizza party when you watch the video for the track below, though. It's more of a wild and crazy, live life to your fullest tour highlight themed video, but Martin is in fact eating pizza at the end of the video. Whether or not it's intentional, I can weave a story around the track being so universally likeable that pizza is a good comparison. The bright chords and orchestral highlights on the track make for an emotionally charged, hit you in the feels type of combo. It's one of my favorite tracks that Martin has put out, which is saying a lot considering his laundry list of singles...#Pizza
Martin Garrix - Pizza
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