Miami Horror LDRU Style

Full disclosure, I'm about two months late on posting LDRU's remix of Miami Horror's Real Slow. Just because I've been waiting for a rainy snowy day to post it, doesn't make it any less awesome, though. The mix of funk filled, back and forth rhythms that are made up of synthesizers and a whole lotta bass sit well with this guy right here. Feel free and add LDRU to the list of up and coming Australian EDM producers that are making noise around the globe. It's getting to the point that I'm thinking of dubbing the land down under as the mini-Netherlands with the amount of talent that has risen up of late. Still, I gotta give some love to the original effort put forth by Miami Horror because they laid the groundwork for the remix. When something starts awesome, it's a lot easier to make it more awesome. That being said, LDRU's version trumps the original by a mile...#LDRU
Miami Horror - Real Slow (L D R U Remix)
Miami Horror - Real Slow (L D R U Remix)
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