Tuesday, December 24, 2013

LuckyMe is Good 2 U During the Holidays

What a great idea. LuckyMe Records created a 25 day advent calendar leading up to Christmas where every day unlocks a new song from someone on your label. Sure, it helps to have arguably three of the top upcoming producers on your label in Baauer, Hudson Mohawke and Lunice, but nonetheless, really cool idea. In the past week they have let loose new HudMo (Structure) and Lunice tracks (Steady Flexin') that were at the very least noteworthy.

In my humble opinion, Baauer's Good 2 U has been the best release to date. On it he mixes a Busta and Mariah samples over a heavy Hip Hop beat that has a whole lot to offer on the low end. The beat is measured in it's advances, which produces just as much interest from the mix of samples and instrumentation sprinkled in. There are two more days left til Christmas, which means LuckyMe is holding onto two more tracks of at least equal value...#LuckyMe

Baauer - Good 2 U


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