Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pittsburgh STAND UP!...Wiz Khalifa - Black and Yellow

With the new behind the scenes photos of Wiz Khalifa's upcoming video for Black and Yellow dropping this week, I felt inclined to share the track. When people think of Pittsburgh, PA, it's sort of a mixed bag when it comes to sports pride since the Steelers are always good and the Pirates are always bad. Regardless of competitiveness, they share the same black and yellow colors, which @REALWIZKHALIFA uses to his advantage in the song below, uniting all this is Pittsburgh by the similar colors.

With the Steelers playing tomorrow, it's about time you check the track out if you're a fan of the team or city. Notice I didn't say if you're a Pirates fan? Yea that's because I've never met a fan of the Pirates, nobody would claim to follow such a losing franchise. #IJustLied + #ImACubsFan

Give it a listen and shouts out to the Norwegian wizards of production, Stargate who produced this one...
Wiz Khalifa - Black and Yellow (prod by Stargate)
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