"It's Not Eeeaaasy, Breaking Your Heart"

Feel free to file the track below under tracks that slipped past the goalie. About a month back Alex Da Kid released Not Easy and I must have been asleep at the wheel because it's without a doubt one of my favorite tracks of 2016. If you're arriving late to the part on Alex Da Kid, let me catch you up. He's the one who first believed in some of your favorite acts like Imagine Dragons, X Ambassadors, Jamie N Commons, and Skylar Grey to name a few. It's a little known fact that everything Alex produces, he also writes, which is why I'm so stoked about his debut single as a solo artist. Check the video below before I gush about how much I dig it...
Simply put, find me a more powerfully emotional, heart wrenching ballad. The steady beat and hymm-like vocals throughout the track create such a soothing vibe that you almost forget what the track is about. Serious credit goes to the X Ambassadors and Elle King for their vocal contributions. I'm still deciding whether Wiz's verse seems tacked on at the end, but I'll concede that you won't find a rapper who can carry a harmony as well as he does. Hang with me y'all it's gonna be tough for me to hold my expectations in check for Alex's new solo album...#NotEasy
Alex Da Kid feat X Ambassadors, Elle King & Wiz Khalifa - Not Easy
Alex Da Kid feat X Ambassadors, Elle King & Wiz Khalifa - Not Easy
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