Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cashmere Cat Tickles the Ivory on HudMo's Forever 1

Having been to hundreds of live shows, I can't tell you how much of a difference it makes when an artist plays/performs something unique to start a set. When I say unique, something that you couldn't be easily purchased or listen to via usual channels like Spotify/Pandora. Something like what you hear below from Cashmere Cat who always opens his set with his version of Hudson Mohawke's Forever 1. Before listening to the remix, check the original below that surfaced on HudMo's Slow Jams VII...

While the original has soft R&B vocals to go along with the harmonic chord progression, the remix is 100% piano driven. It's not what you'd expect from Cashmere Cat, which is why I like it so much. Most of the Cashmere tracks I've heard until today have been bouncy and melodic, so hearing a track with a lullaby vibe was cool. This track couldn't have come at a better time for me since I'll be seeing both of them perform at Treasure Island Music Festival this weekend. Such a stacked lineup and now I'm even more excited to see Cashmere's set...#Forever1

HudMo - Forever 1 (Cashmere Cat Edit)


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