Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Means Ghostbusters EDM Remix

Yep, tonight's post was about as a big of a no brainer as you'll see around this neighborhood of the internet. I'll put it this way, when a talented DJ like Kill Paris decides to remix the Ghostbusters theme during the week of Halloween, my life is immediately made infinitely easier since it takes away the sifting, sorting and choices. The best part about the original theme is that it's almost entirely composed of synths. Not the snazzy new synths we have today, the old school ones that have become associated with the 1980s pop sound. Know what I'm talkin' bout? Well even if you don't, rest assured because Kill Paris managed to put his own stamp on the remix to ring in Halloween the right way...#Ghostbusters

Ghostbusters Theme (Kill Paris Remix)


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