Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wall to Wall Rock From Afrojack

The most common starting point of a remix is usually a producer or artist taking someone else's starting point (original song) and altering it or adding their own personal touch. Rarely do artists take a single they created and go a completely different direction with it. Case in point, Afrojack's Rock the Rock, which takes the core of the original track (Rock the House) and takes it on a rockin', robotic ride. Check the video below for reference on the original...

The take-no-prisoners, driving bassline is what makes the track below memorable. You want to talk about a club track, the track below will sufficiently fill every nook and cranny of you local discotheque without coming up for air. If you're in the mood for intensity and need a pick me up, this is your commute home track of the week...#RockTheRock
Afrojack - Rock the Rock


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