Sunday, July 20, 2014

"I Won't Waste, This, Love, Here Tonight"

Over the past few months, I've gotten used to hyping up Collin McLoughlin's solo ability to produce great music. As a result, you can imagine why I jumped at his recent feature on Dash Berlin's recent single Here Tonight. The vocals on the track provided by Jay Cosmic lead the way over high-pitched, energetic synths. It's a bit more pop than EDM, but it's a fun track. While you're at it, give a look to Dash Berlin's upcoming We Are Pt 1 EP featuring the likes of 3LAU and John Dahlback. Despite my extreme dislike for all this is Penn State, I will reluctantly fall in line with the following hashtag...#WeAre

Dash Berlin & Jay Cosmic ft. Collin McLoughlin - Here Tonight


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