Feel Good Easter Track...Ciara feat The Dream - Speechless
On a day where most families are spending some QT together, I feel like there wasn't a better track to post than the new one from Ciara with The Dream. While the subject of this song isn't necessarily family related, it does preach appreciation for someone you care about and carry with it the positive vibe that should be present on this Easter Sunday. Ciara explains...
Lord knows this one is headed for the radio, but still, I can't hate on the positivity both Ciara and "Radio Killa" or Love King as he now calls himself, bring on this track. Give it a listen and a Happy Easter goes out to you readin' this because your daily support leaves me speech-less...
Ciara feat The Dream - Speechless New Single!!!
"I need an extra day on the week, an extra hour on the clock, just to show you how beautiful you are, you're so good to meeee"We all wish we had more time for the person/people we love, so hopefully today was that "extra day on the week", or you were able to devote that "extra hour on the clock" to the one you love that you wish you could spend more time with. Especially if they're "so good to you" on daily basis, let 'em know today that their efforts are appreciated and leave you "speechless".
Lord knows this one is headed for the radio, but still, I can't hate on the positivity both Ciara and "Radio Killa" or Love King as he now calls himself, bring on this track. Give it a listen and a Happy Easter goes out to you readin' this because your daily support leaves me speech-less...
Ciara feat The Dream - Speechless New Single!!!
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