Illenium's New Awake Album is the Best 2017 Has to Offer

Without really knowing it, I've become a big Illenium fan. I phrase it that way because in the past six months he's been responsible for two songs I really like, but they were released so far apart that I didn't connect the dots on Illenium being behind both. Feel Good and Fractures are the songs I'm referring to and they're both on his recently released Awake album. Over the past week I've been running laps around the album, along with much of the EDM world that has been churning out reviews of his new music. Needless to say, there's a developing consensus that his new album is in the conversation for 2017's best. His melodic, dubstep style is potent when combined with top notch vocalists and it just so happens the entire EP is littered with just that.
If you're searching for a diamond in the rough beyond the already released singles, look no further than the first track. Needed You thrives on Dia Frampton's mellow vocals and Illenium's ethereal synths and exaggerated bass hits. It's stylistically on par with the likes of Seven Lions and Sub Focus if you're into comparisons. Honestly I could have picked from a handful of other favorites on the album, so if you take anything away from this post, it should be to check out the entire album...#Awake
Illenium feat Dia Frampton - Needed You
If you're searching for a diamond in the rough beyond the already released singles, look no further than the first track. Needed You thrives on Dia Frampton's mellow vocals and Illenium's ethereal synths and exaggerated bass hits. It's stylistically on par with the likes of Seven Lions and Sub Focus if you're into comparisons. Honestly I could have picked from a handful of other favorites on the album, so if you take anything away from this post, it should be to check out the entire album...#Awake
Illenium feat Dia Frampton - Needed You
Very nice blog you havve here
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