Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Eagle Has Landed...Scud Books Has Finally Arrived

The day has finally come, Scud Books has finally arrived! It's going to be difficult holding back the adjectives on this one since it has been hands down my favorite track of the past two years. To this point, all we've been privy to is a shortened Radio 1 ripped version. Now, outta nowhere, we have a video for the track that you can peruse below..

I'm proud to say that Scud Books is my great white buffalo. It has an engaging mix of loud horns that reek of grandeur, playful synths that form an engaging chord progression and heavy, speaker rattling bass. If I were to describe my taste in music, this is as close as you're going to get to the core of what I like. The world hasn't yet gotten to fully appreciate Hudson Mohawke, but they're gotten awfully close of late thanks to Apple. If I can encourage you to do one thing, it's to go out and cop his upcoming album Lantern. There's plenty of great instrumentation that sways between holy triumvirate of Hip Hop, Trap and EDM. Oh and HudMo, come on back to the Bay Area, we miss you...#Lantern


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