Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Congrats to The Chainsmokers on 50k FB Fans

Lately I haven't been bashful of late about sharing anything The Chainsmokers touch and that isn't about to stop. Their latest mix was set free to celebrate eclipsing the 50k mark for Facebook fans. I've made this clear before, but I'll say it again, Alex and Drew are that are worth cheering for. They don't just make great music, they're down to earth folk who have a great sense of humor. Case in point their latest Facebook post...

Not sure about y'all, but the whole royal birthing story really doesn't excite me much. Maybe I'd watch if the baby was born with superpowers? Til then, I'm moving on to the next channel.

Anyways, the duo managed to flip The Killers Miss Atomic Bomb into a soothing electronic track that's extraordinarily easy on the ears. Don't be bashful about giving them some Facebook love, they have made a habit of rewarding their followers with a lot of exclusive music...#MissAtomicBomb

The Killers - Miss Atomic Bomb (Chainsmokers Remix)


sharery dair February 6, 2016 at 3:08 AM  

This is so great! All good ideas for entertaining or just playing around with the bark and other goodies. Fantastic. FB fans

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