Saturday, May 05, 2012

"It's 4 am and My Lover Won't Answer"

Not only have I been slacking on the Hip Hop, I feel like I'm falling even farther behind on the R&B. I used to do a slow jam of the month and I'm considering bringing that back starting today with 4 AM. Hailing from the homeland of Drizzy @Drake, aka the frosty land of T Dot, @MELANIEFIONA is a hidden gem. She didn't get the dap she deserved for her debut album The Bridge and last month she quietly released her sophomore album The MF Life. Even though I wasn't a huge fan of her first single, Gone and Never Coming Back, I'm a huge buyer of 4 AM and her newest single with @bobatl, Change the Record.

If you held a gun to my head and forced me to pick a favorite, I'd reluctantly pick 4 AM, but it's close to a coin flip. I'm siding with 4 AM because the woman scorned tracks have always resonated with me for some reason. Between the high powered vocals and outpouring of emotion, it's hard for me not to gravitate to the track. The vocals are so soul filled, you feel the pain of the woman waiting up for her man as he's out on the town, most likely up to no good. It's not easy to find the unedited version of the track, which is unfortunate because the mf fits well in the hook. I've got a feeling the talented @iamricolove had a lot to do with the end result and success of the track, but that's not to take away from the A+ delivery by Melanie.

Melanie Fiona - 4 AM (prod by Rico Love)


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