"I'm All Yours When You Really Wanna Take Me There"

It never crossed my mind, but a Far East Movement and marshmello collaboration makes a lot of sense. I know that probably sounds super contrived now that I have the song below as an frame of reference, but wow, what a dope track. The stop and go, choppy verses that Far East have become known for fit really well over the bouncy synths that marshemllo churns out. I'm gushing about the two headliners, but Tinashe's hook might be my favorite part of the track. Her mellow vocals cut provided the steadiness to allow the choppy verses to work. And taking it one step further, I got an intro to Chanyeol, a member of the South Korean/Chinese rap group EXO. To me, he may as well have been part of Far East Movement he fit their style so well. You know the drill, add this sucker to iTunes or Spotify before your friend tells you about it...#FrealLuv
Far East Movement x Marshmello feat Chanyeol & Tinashe - Freal Luv
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