When Music Goes Pitch Black, It Sounds Like This

Switching gears a bit on an EDM tip toward an easygoing progressive house track from Vicetone. While some people are continuing to hype "Newgrass" as the next big thing that appropriately mashed two unrelated genres (Bluegrass and EDM), I'd argue that there's more a much more electronic version of Newgrass that has even more potential. Sure, the Southern sounding vocals on your favorite Avicii tracks can be addicting, but how about what Vicetone did on Pitch Black? You've got the chill acoustic build up, but instead of pop vocals delivering a Top 40 quality hook, he instead inserted this big room, house beat that comes crashing down in a crescendo of cascading electronic goodness.
Basically the new one below is what Newgrass would sound like if electronic music got to do the honors of mixing acoustic guitar into EDM. Maybe I'm nerding out a bit too much with over-analysis, but I love songs like this because it goes in a direction that sounds familiar, but takes the listeners expectations a step further with it's originality. For those of you that want to keep this one all to yourselves, you'll have to continue circulating this one on heavy Soundcloud repeat until January 11th when it drops...#PitchBlack
Vicetone - Pitch Black
Basically the new one below is what Newgrass would sound like if electronic music got to do the honors of mixing acoustic guitar into EDM. Maybe I'm nerding out a bit too much with over-analysis, but I love songs like this because it goes in a direction that sounds familiar, but takes the listeners expectations a step further with it's originality. For those of you that want to keep this one all to yourselves, you'll have to continue circulating this one on heavy Soundcloud repeat until January 11th when it drops...#PitchBlack
Vicetone - Pitch Black
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