Sam Smith & Disclosure Cover Drake's Hotline Bling

I'm struggling with a bit of an existential crisis tonight as a result of the video below. By now you're all keenly aware of my affinity for both Drake and Sam Smith, so you're most likely nodding your head in empathy for what I'm going through right now. Then, you throw in a Disclosure cameo on the production just for good measure and the result is a more than a little tough to process.
I'll put it this way, it didn't matter what the end result was of Sam and Disclosure's cover of Hotline Bling, there's no possible way it was going to live up to my expectations. Full disclosure (no pun intended), I wasn't a huge fan of the original version of Hotline Bling, so the cover was already set up to fail. Given, it was a live cover, which requires a good amount of prep and thought, but the lounge feel on the instrumental was a bit vanilla. Sure, Sam brought his usual sweet vocals, but it was missing the punch and exclamation that he usually brings to songs. Let's just call this one interesting and move on, cool?...#HotlineBling
Photo Credit: YouTube
I'll put it this way, it didn't matter what the end result was of Sam and Disclosure's cover of Hotline Bling, there's no possible way it was going to live up to my expectations. Full disclosure (no pun intended), I wasn't a huge fan of the original version of Hotline Bling, so the cover was already set up to fail. Given, it was a live cover, which requires a good amount of prep and thought, but the lounge feel on the instrumental was a bit vanilla. Sure, Sam brought his usual sweet vocals, but it was missing the punch and exclamation that he usually brings to songs. Let's just call this one interesting and move on, cool?...#HotlineBling
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