The Great Gatsby Soundtrack is Going to be Awesome

Now that we're within a month of The Great Gatsby hitting the big screen, the marketing machine is out in full force. If you've somehow manged to miss the trailer for the movie, press play below..
Yes, like you I read the book back in High School and don't remember much about the plot. What I do know is that the new remade version has Leo DiCaprio and the soundtrack to the upcoming movie is going to be awesome. Yea, it might have something to do with the soundtrack being executive produced by the Jiggaman. The soundtrack will feature new ones from Lana Del Rey, Beyonce, Andre 3000 and Florence & The Machine (below). The track is as dramatic and vocally brilliant as you'd expect from something Florence Welch blesses. I'd imagine this track is going to be prominently featured in the movie due to her high octane vocals. Not sure about y'all, but it's been a while since I've been excited about a soundtrack...#GreatGatsby
Florence & The Machine - Over Love
Florence & The Machine - Over Love
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