"Some Hearts They Burn Like a Wildfire"
In the same way I find the Haim sisters' music mesmerizing, Scavenger Hunt has this fun, throwback sound to their music that resonates with me. It sounds like it's straight out of the 80s, but I was born in the 80s, so you could argue I grew up on pop music that sounded just like this. If you need a quick refresher on Scavenger Hunt, give a quick look at their recent featurette that was created to hype their upcoming EP...
Wildfire represents everything I remember about Scavenger Hunt when I posted their first single Lost. It's easy listening, light and catchy as hell. It's not usually what I post on the site, but that's the point. The second my posts become predictable on a daily basis, you guys probably won't be finding this space on the internet as fun as it used to be, so cheers to broadening your horizons tonight kind listener...#Wildfire
Scavenge Hunt - Wildfire
Scavenge Hunt - Wildfire
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