Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mike Posner Joins The A-Team

If you were to ask for one artist that could appropriately cover @edsheeran's #1 single The A-Team, I'm not sure I could have suggested anyone better than @MikePosner. Not only does he have the vocal ability to match Ed's feathery vocals, but the subtle Hip Hop he was able to inject into the track that's nominated for a Grammy as Song of the Year.

Granted, my opinion is skewed because I like Mikey P and it's easy to say there isn't anyone who could have covered it better now that I've heard his version. Still, be one of the 53 million plus who have watched Ed Sheeran's version on YouTube...

Will A-Team win a Grammy tonight? It's a tough to predict that he'll beat Call Me Maybe and We Are Young, but either way, it'll be pretty cool to see him perform with Elton John on stage tonight, which is a pretty awesome accomplishment in and of itself...#Grammys
Mike Posner - The A-Team (Remix)


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