Monday, August 05, 2013

Mumford & Sons Have Never Been So Entertaining

Man, it must be awesome to be able to call on charismatic celebrities to play you in your own music video. Mumford & Sons may have made the video of the year by recruiting very identifiable actors/comedians to do the legwork on their most recent video. As it turns out, they got Jason Sudeikis (Marcus Mumford), Will Forte (Ted Dwane), Jason Bateman (Winston Marshall), and Ed Helms (Ben Lovett) channeled the band member they most closely resembled. Along the way they managed to dramatize Hopeless Wanderer to the point that the energy in the video ranged from folk to a heavy metal. You'll understand once you watch it...
Maybe it's cost or simply the lack of a dedicated following that prevent other bands from recruiting celebrities to play band members in videos. Whatever the case, I wish it happened more often because the video below was entertaining as hell. If you've been living under a rock, you'd enjoy living under a rock a lot more if you had Mumford's latest album Babel...#HopelessWanderer

Mumford & Sons - Hopeless Wanderer

Photo Credit: YouTube


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