What's Not Human and Always Tells the Truth?
First a little background, Jay-Z recently dropped this album titled Blueprint 3. On the album, he had a song, Reminder, where just after the two minute mark, when talking about all of the years his album went platinum, he proclaimed:
"96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001 and beyond,
02, 03, 04, 05, 06 and 7, 08, 09
back to back double plat, I did what you want,
men lie, women lie, numbers don’t,
ain’t nothing changed for me except the year it is,
I think have to send you a reminder, here it is"
- Jay-Z - Reminder
Just in case you missed it here's the clip:
Jay-Z - Reminder (clip) "Men Lie, Women Lie, Numbers Don't"
Fast forward now to November 22nd, where Jay-Z is nominated for Top Rap/ Hip Hop Male at the American Music Awards. Seems whomever voted for that award thought he deserved the award more than Eminem and T.I. Now if you've seen any interviews with Jigga, he comes off as relatively soft spoken, but clearly walks with a quiet confidence that he knows he's the best. Rarely do we ever get a public moment like the following where he takes a shot at all the haters at the end of his acceptance speech, leaving us with his now famous tag line "Men Lie, Women Lie, Numbers Don't." Evidently 50 Cent took this as a direct diss at his album and has more or less declared war on Sean Carter. For all of you that missed the acceptance speech, check it out here and feel free to fast forward to the 2 minute mark where he makes the comment.
Some think it was out of character, that it was a subliminal shot at Fiddy...but maybe 11 number one albums gives you the ability to put every rapper alive their place too? I mean it only took Blueprint 3 5 weeks to go platinum! What's that cliche phrase...it ain't trickin' if you really got it? But wait it's not really trickin' in the first place if you really got it, right??...haha...anyways I digress, my opinion on the matter is that 50 needs to stop reading into things and making something out of nothing. "Males shouldn't be jealous that's a female trait, what you mad because you push dimes and he sell weight?" Come on Where's the Love? (see song at 2:38).
Here's why 50 should tone down the sensitivity...in 2007 Jay-Z made the same statement at the end of accepting an award, waaay before Reminder and waaay before 50 cent was releasing an album that was supposed to compete with Blueprint 3. See Here.
So what does this all mean? Well, Yo Gotti is now the one cashing in at just the right moment by taking that now pop culture phrase that Jigga coined and turning it into a hot single. Talk about perfect timing, maybe there was some collusion in all of this and Weezy put a bug in Jay's ear, hoping he'd cause a stir just in time for this new single he's on to drop. It's got that loud, high pitched repetition mixed with deep bass that make it perfect for the radio and club. Seems to me this is a perfect mixture for a #1 single, especially when you throw Lil Wayne on the track. You be the judge, but do yourself a favor and hurry because this song is about to be battered and abused by radio and clubs until the sample is embedded in everyone's brains...
Yo Gotti feat Lil Wayne - Men Lie, Women Lie New Hip Hop Anthem!
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