New Timbaland: Shock Value 2...COMING SOON!
With Timbaland's Shock Value 2 set to be released on November 23rd, there is a lot of good music to be excited about in the near future. We have a Fray, Daughtry, Keri Hilson and Chris Brown, One Repblic and most notably a Drake collabo to look forward to on the album.
We've been mostly teased with snippets, but now there are two really quality tracks floating around that deserve more than a few listens. The first being the first single, titled Morning After Tomorrow that showcases a disgustingly well put together beat by Timbo and the up and coming, sexy French artist SoShy (yea I know, heads up Keri Hilson). Give it a listen and please mind the beat ride out at the end...ridiculous what Timbo can do with that Beaterator...
Timbaland feat SoShy - Morning After Tomorrow (prod by Timbaland) First Single off Shock Value 2!!!
The second track has been out for a while now, but recently a higher quality version found its way on the net, so do yourself a favor and pay some homage to Timbo's creativity with this rolling, booty shakin, percussive massacre...with a lil Teddy Pain on the top...
Timbaland feat T-Pain & Missy Elliot - Talk that Shit (prod by Timabaland) Crrrazzzy Beat!!!
The track I'm most excited about (for obvious reasons) is the collabo with Drizzy Drake titled Say Something. Drake is definitely on more of an R&B tip with this track and it's weird hearing him on an attention grabbing beat. I'm not sure if I like it as much honestly, it's kinda like mixing peanut butter and salmon...great separately, but I dunno. Jury is still out on this one, I'm not writing it off yet and I'll probably end up liking it, but for now, take the 2 min snippet for what it's worth....
Timbaland feat Drake - Say Something (prod by Timbaland) Collabo of the Month!!!
And just cause I'm feelin' generous, give Timbo's collabo with Shakira and Lil Wayne a listen. This track was initially slated for Shock Value 2, but now it's supposed to be Shakira's second US single despite it being conspicuously missing from her album?? Guess that was probably planned to get people to buy the Deluxe Edition? Anyways give it a listen...
Shakira feat Lil Wayne & Timbaland - Give It Up To Me (prod by Timbaland) Hootttt R&B!!!
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